
Shadows dance in the darkness, tempting me to reach out,
A warm embrace fortifies my body to the bed, an icy winter
breeze skating down my body through the window,
I close my eyes, only to see a lotus flower sharply spinning
with a thousand burning petals,
My arms bleed as the thorns slither up and take root in my heart,
The taste of metal fills my mouth, a cold, heavy rot fills the air,
A radiant light sails me upwards, I look down and see the fluttering
beams across the moonlit cityscape,
People blur into pallets of red and orange, a deafening humming
sound pulsating through my bones,
The sky pushes back on my falling body, a wind strong enough to
cut through mountains,
My body plummets to the ground,
nvoluntarily scrambling for the light switch,
I look up, eyes wide, at the pasty white ceiling,
an agreement of light and dark posted on points of the walls,
A trickle of sweat that slides down my forehead,
breaking the statuesque stillness
I am awake